Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools is SRNET’s newest member! Greater Saskatoon Catholic Schools is home to 17,000 students and currently has 44 schools. After recently moving to cloud based services, Greater Saskatoon Catholic chose to directly connect to SRNET. Through SRNET and Canada’s NREN, Greater Saskatoon Catholic is able to access resources that will increase network… Read More »

From using Minecraft in the classroom to incorporating robotics in the curriculum, the 2017 IT Summit demonstrated how innovative technologies are changing Saskatchewan’s educational landscape. Held in Saskatoon, SK, the Summit aimed to explore new teaching practices and promoted the use of technology and network infrastructure among Saskatchewan educators. The Summit featured keynote speaker, Dr.… Read More »

Since 1970, Northlands College has been providing post-secondary education options for people in Saskatchewan’s north. In the new millennium, the College continues to expand the range of career and education choices available to northern students, and SRNET is helping to provide the technological capacity to make it all possible. President and CEO of Northlands College,… Read More »

Dr. Roger Pierson, a Professor of Gynecology, Obstetrics, and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Medicine, is an internationally-renowned leader in the fields of fertility and reproduction. His pioneering work using ultrasound and computer-assisted imaging has garnered attention from around the world. The world-class connectivity provided by SRNET, however, allows him to… Read More »